"Ladies and Gentlemen!
The Magician: Rom Emanuel
His Assistants: Barack Obama, Christopher Dodd, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Franks
Sacrificial Assistant Who Gets Cut In Half: Timothy Geitner!"
I wrote earlier about the numbers that are being thrown around inside the Beltway and how we are kept from truly understanding the significance of the outrageous amount of money that is being spent. But I want to highlight a point that was briefly made in that article.
Of course, this is AIG again. But let's go back.
We now know that a year before the "stimulus" package was even in people's minds, AIG announced their bonus packages and the press made a big deal of them, publicizing them widely. Then, a year later, when the "stimulus" package for was being thrown together, Tim Geitner went to Senator Christopher Dodd, D-Connecticut, and specifically had him include in the legislation that all of the recipient companies of the "stimulus" money would honor their contracts with their executives to receive their due bonuses. The "stimulus" bill passed and $788,000,000,000 ($788 B) started to be distributed to failing companies. Naturally, the companies receiving the money honored their contracts with their executives and paid them their bonuses, including AIG.
Instantly, AIG is the center of a nation's scrutiny. Put on trial in the major media, the executives are demonized. Then the storm starts heavily when it is reported that these executives got paid their bonuses and the number grows quickly to a total of $165 M to 75 executives. The prosecutors of this kangaroo court are Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Franks, Geitner, and many to follow, to include parties from both sides of the isle.
The public is outraged. So much so that they are protesting in the yards of the AIG executives along with press, making a spectacle of this handful of American businessmen. Franks and Pelosi go loud with calls that these men "RETURN THE MONEY TO THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS!"
The echo carries into the press and now all Americans jump on board insisting that the money be returned from these greedy few. How far does this go? Death threats to the executives and their families.
But who's really at fault?
The news gets out that Dodd actually created the vehicle to insist that these executives get their bonuses, and immediately throws Geitner under the bus. He reports that the Obama administration specifically instructed him to put this provision into the bill. Interesting. Obama and Geitner are embarrassed having been caught feining utter surprise and disgust that these executives would use their gifts in such a poor manner as to reward themselves, first.
But I have a question that I don't think we have the answer to. Who broke the news of the bonuses after they were paid? Before we go to an answer, let's ask one more question. How did the "stimulus" package work out? Hmmm. It didn't help the economy at all. Even with Obama flying to Ohio to announce the 25 jobs he created for one year to local police officers, still 655,000 jobs were lost in one month alone. 25 jobs for one year ain't stimulus. You know what? This is too much pressure because it isn't going right. Enter a scandal to divert people's attention. all of a sudden, the news of the AIG bonuses breaks. Amazing timing.
No one is talking about the millions of jobs lost since Obama became president. No one is discussing the $788,000,000,000 that was given out to banks who did not pass it on to the American consumer. Instead, 75 American citizens have been sacrificed while a $410,000,000,000 budget hangs in the balance, as do more "stimulus" packages hinted at by Obama on the Tonight Show.
Folks, this has Rom Emanuel written all over it and you have to hand it to him. It worked. Poke the press in the rib and let them know about the bonuses and all of a sudden, the attention is off of Obama's administration. News is leaked about the Geitner - Dodd connection and instantly, Geitner is left holding the bag. Must protect the president.
"Throw a dog a bone, and he'll miss the graveyard."
The press wants an Obama success and they are happy to chase the distractor story.
You have a decision to make. Are you concerned about the $165,000,000 that was paid out legally according to a solid contract, or are you concerned about the other $787,835,000,000 that we have no idea where it went? Come on people. Please, wake up and smell the roses. The magicians are at work and you are being duped.
The Ericator
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