Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let Ford Fail

More evidence that Ford Motor Co. has lost touch with its customer base.

"The United States should consider imposing a European-style gasoline tax if it hopes to improve energy security and tackle global warming," the head of Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday according to the AFP.

Just when you thought you had seen everything, you now have private industry asking for taxes! Not just any taxes, but you have a car company asking for gas tax! This is outrageous. Why would they do such a thing?

Simple. They built a whole fleet of hybrid cars betting on the fact that the price of gas would stay high, which it didn't. Now, they are willing to cripple the American economy again in order to offset their losses and sell off their inventory. In other words, for a momentary bulge in inventory, they are willing to induce a long standing floating tax on the American people to keep fuel prices above $4. Why? Because their "innovations" are not compelling enough, their quality not good enough, and their imagination too weak to do anything but force people to buy their cars by making sure they get shafted at the fuel pump.

You know what's really weak about this? We now have a government that is just weak enough to be used in this plot. Private industry shouldn't be in the business of tax determination, just like the government shouldn't be in the business of playing auto maker (or banker) for that matter.

When a car company becomes so lack luster in their purpose and creativity that they have to punish their customers into buying their inventory by convincing the government to tax them higher, it is time for them to pack up their bags, and find something their good at. Let them fail. In fact, cause them to fail. They are not helping the problem.

That's my two cents on the matter, and I feel ripped off,

The Ericator

1 comment:

  1. This is the kind of thing Teddy Roosevelt hated - a company trying to be a monopoly that would use the government to turn a profit at the expense of the people.
