Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Overwhelming Irony

Wow! Can anyone say, "Irony"?

You know, sometimes it's hard to know what to write about. There's so much good material out there that needs to be commented on.

Look at today's headlines:

"ACORN to Play Role in 2010 Census"
"Pelosi Calls Immigration Raids 'Un-American'"
"Obama: 'Buck Stops With Me' to Fix AIG Mess"
"Barney Frank: We want AIG to name names"

Seriously, where do I start? Hollywood has needed writers this good for decades. I'm so infuriated that we are actually dealing with this comedy of idiots, that I can't even write right now. If you can't find the irony in every one of the above headlines, then maybe you, too, should look for something you're good at.

Still not satisfied?

Try this one on for size: (CNN:

Former President George W Bush:

"My message to policy-makers is don't substitute government for the marketplace. Don't become protectionist. I'm a free-trader to the core."

But overall, the president's demeanor in front of a friendly crowd was described as jovial.

"This is my maiden voyage," he said in his debut address on the speaking circuit. "I can't think of a better place to give it than Calgary, Canada."

How about at home, Mr. Former President?

I'll come back when I'm not likely to break my keyboard.

The Ericator

1 comment:

  1. Don't be too hard on Bush. He's probably the most despised man on earth - unfairly so, in my opinion. He made a lot of mistakes, but doesn't deserve the hatred he's been getting. I don't blame him for doing a feel-good tour that includes Calgary, Canada.
